Give Online

What kind of donor are you?
“I can’t be a donor.”
“My donation doesn’t matter.”
“I don’t know how to give.”
Sound familiar?
We hear it all the time; people want to give back to organizations that they feel impacted by but don’t feel like they have the time, means, or even the know-how. It’s time to re-think the stereotypical picture of what a donor can be and create ways to put the FUN in FUNdraising.
Ready to give back? Start by playing our common phrases matching game. Match the phrases you most identify with to the color of the donor badges below to discover a way to make supporting LCT fun and tailored to YOU!

You are an LCT Family Donor! You love supporting arts education and are intentional with your time and gifts. We would recommend:

1. Set it and forget it! Use the ‘Make a Donation’ button below to set up monthly, quarterly, even yearly donations that fit your budget!
2. Take advantage of employer matching funds and make your donation more powerful. Lots of companies want to give to places their employees value and as a 501c3, and you can both receive tax credit for your gifts.
3. Collect LCT show buttons. Make a gift of any size after a performance and receive a FREE show themed button. Can you collect them all?!
4. Save the date for our thank you celebration, Cookies and Cocoa, on December 10, 2023. Let us treat you to a warm and cozy afternoon and share our gratitude.
You are an LCT Alumni Donor! You have walked these halls, rehearsed in these studios, and feel like LCT is your second home. We would recommend:

1. Mark your calendars for the second annual Young Alumni Challenge May 6-8, 2024. Donate alongside the VAST network of LCT interns, cast members, staff, and more with the help of our Young Alumni Ambassadors. This is a great way to reconnect with your LCT Family and support LCT together.
2. Set it and forget it! Use the ‘Make a Donation’ button below to set up monthly, quarterly, even yearly donations that fit your budget!
3. Support your former cast mates when they are onstage and collect LCT show buttons. Make a gift of any size after a performance and receive a FREE show themed button. Can you collect them all?!
4. Save the date for our thank you celebration, Cookies and Cocoa, on December 10, 2023. Let us treat you to a warm and cozy afternoon and share our gratitude.
You are a Giving Days Donor! You like to reach a goal and are motivated by competition. We would recommend:

1. Help LCT earn thousands of matching dollars through social media competitions, donor power hours, and MORE! Mark your calendars for the Good Giving Challenge, November 28 – December 1, 2023. This is a fun giving week, hosted by Bluegrass Community Foundation. Follow LCT’s social media or keep an eye on our weekly e-newsletters for updates.
2. Mark your calendars for the second annual Young Alumni Challenge May 6-8, 2024. Donate alongside the VAST network of LCT interns, cast members, staff, and more with the help of our Young Alumni Ambassadors. This is a great way to reconnect with your LCT Family and support LCT together. Mark your calendars for the second annual Young Alumni Challenge May 6-8, 2024.
3. Mark your calendars for KY Gives Day, hosted by the Kentucky Nonprofit Network, May 7, 2024. Help raise awareness and funds for LCT on this statewide day of giving. Matching funds are available so keep an eye on our weekly e-newsletters for updates.
4. Save the date for our thank you celebration, Cookies and Cocoa on December 10, 2023. Let us treat you to a warm and cozy afternoon and share our gratitude.
You are a Future Donor! You know about LCT and are curious to learn more! We would recommend:

1. Follow LCT’s social media or keep an eye on our weekly e-newsletters for updates on exciting new shows and events.
2. Choose LCT for a community rewards program, like Kroger Community Rewards. Scroll down to learn more about our top three recommendations.
3. Collect LCT show buttons. Make a gift of any size after a performance and receive a FREE show themed button. Can you collect them all?!
No matter what kind of donor you are, LCT wants to thank you for supporting arts education.
Or contact Ashlee Collins at 859.254.4546 x 230 or
Raising funds for LCT’s Annual Campaign can be as easy as buying groceries. Here are three easy ways you can join the fun!
Facebook Fundraisers
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Joseph Beth Booksellers Gives Back Program
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Kroger Community Rewards
Learn More